Order Description
1. The history of using graphic in fashion:
• When graphics started to be used with fashion? and where?
• Who used graphics with fashion first? (designers’ names).
• The reasons behind combining/joining graphics and fashion? and how they did that?
• Explain how the use of graphics in fashion has improved.
2. Types of graphics used in fashion
• Talk about the different types of graphics that have been used in fashion in clothes/dresses such as:
o Calligraphic Art.
o Abstract Designs.
o Illustration.
o Typography.
3. Influence of graphics on fashion
• Explained how graphics helped fashion to become more prevalent.
• How do graphics helped fashion companies to be more successful?
• How do graphics helped fashion companies to increase their sales annual incomes?
• If you can add more points related to this section, please add them.
4. How graphics in fashion effects on people, for example:
• When buying clothes/dresses.
• Psychological impact.
• Show their personality through clothes/dresses.
• If you can add more points related to this section, please add them.
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